Everitt and Boring

L-R: William L. Everitt (University of Illinois College of Engineering) and Maynard L. Boring (consultant on engineering manpower at the General Electric Company. Both men have been past presidents of the American Society of Engineering Education at Iowa State College (ASEE), Credit Line: AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection
Abstract/Description: L-R: William L. Everitt (University of Illinois College of Engineering) and Maynard L. Boring (consultant on engineering manpower at the General Electric Company. Both men have been past presidents of the American Society of Engineering Education at Iowa State College (ASEE)
Subject(s): Presidents
Portraits, Group
Everitt, W. L. (William Littell), 1900-
Credit Line: AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection
Catalog ID: Everitt William C1