Gordon Research Conference 1958

Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry and Physics of Metals, August 11th to 15th, 1958 held at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, NH. The Chairman was Dr. Krumhansl and Vice-Chairman was Dr. Salkovitz. Among those pictured are A. I. Schindler, R. W. Schmitt, John Reitz, T. G. Berlincourt, John Neighbors, E. I. Salkovitz, George Alers and Harvey Brooks., Credit Line: AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Berlincourt Collection
Abstract/Description: Gordon Research Conference, Chemistry and Physics of Metals, August 11th to 15th, 1958 held at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, NH. The Chairman was Dr. Krumhansl and Vice-Chairman was Dr. Salkovitz. Among those pictured are A. I. Schindler, R. W. Schmitt, John Reitz, T. G. Berlincourt, John Neighbors, E. I. Salkovitz, George Alers and Harvey Brooks.
Subject(s): Meetings
Identification key available upon request.
Portraits, Group
Meriden (N.H.)
Berlincourt, T. G.
Schindler, Albert Isadore
Schmitt, Roland W.
Alers, G. A. (George A.)
Brooks, Harvey
Date Created: August 11-15, 1958
Credit Line: AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Berlincourt Collection
Catalog ID: Gordon Research Conference E14